CAD used Worldwide for active case finding
Stop TB Partnership
- Scale up the use of modern diagnostics.
- Find the missing people with TB.
- Expand early diagnosis, including at subclinical stages.
In Pokhara 420 people screened in one day with one ultra-portable X-ray/CAD4TB by Save the Children & NTCC.
New multi-functional digital X-ray plus CAD installed at Zvishavane District Hospital. Access to Xray after 7 years of absence.
ultra-portable X-ray and CAD demo for Ministry of Health.
Multi-functional X-ray (WHIS-RAD) for chest and other body parts imaging at rural Hospital San Miguel (Quina Care).
Rural Malawi
Mobile X-ray for diagnostic imaging beyond TB in rural hospitals.
Malawi MoH/NTP
MoH/NTP deploys 7 OneStopTB mobile screening units funded by Global Fund for outreach active case finding in key populations.
New ultra-portable X-ray with CAD for active TB case finding in Iraq.
Screening for TB in remote areas of Uganda with ultra-portable X-ray and CAD results being integrated into LabXpert, a connectivity dashboard.
RSSP Medical Center “Ultra-Portable Delft Light is convenient for remote areas and able to take 200+ chest images on the battery power only. The high image quality fully meets modern requirements. The CAD4TB heatmap provides focus on the abnormalities in the chest X-ray.
Chad using OneStopTB clinics
Chad using the OneStopTB clinic for active case finding in refugee camps and prisons supported by CAD.
3 new mobile clinics.
In 2022 > 200.000 people are screened by mobile TB clinics using CAD4TB as a rapid triage before Xpert MTB/RIF.
For TB screening and Health System Strengthening 54 portable X-rays will be deployed at hospitals nationwide.
Outreach OneStopTB screening in Afar Region for key populations.
Nigeria deploys 16 Wellness
Nigeria deploys 16 Wellness on Keke Tuktuks equipped with a Delft Light X-ray, CAD4TB and TBLamp for rapid TB screening and diagnosis - supported by USAID and KNCV..
Papua New Guinea
Daru Island has 3% TB prevalence in the general population. To stop the spread of TB a new project is taking CAD4TB supported detection and treatment of TB on the road..
Training Completed
Bangladesh ultra portable X-ray and CAD4TB training, May 2022.
EasyDR/CAD4TB operational in hospital setting since 2014 for early detection of presumptive TB cases.
Madagascar training
NTP onsite and remote user training for Delft Light by Ghanaian expert X-ray engineers.
“WoW” trucks - Wellness on Wheels - and are funded by USAID’s Challenge TB since 2017. The communities targeted for screening are selected based on high TB notification rates in areas with poor universal access to diagnostic services such as prisons (without routine entry/exit screening services).
Almost immediate results, usually with no need for a specialist's interpretation, in GA West Municipality Hospital, Amasaman
Ghana Easy-DR
EasyDR installed in a shielded solar-powered X-ray container in GA West Municipality Hospital, Amasaman.
Inauguration One-Stop TB clinics in Uganda by MoH/Global Fund, March 2022