In the context of the TB projects that CheckTB! consultants co-create and seek funding for, the team also liaises with technology innovators in TB case detection such as Radboud University/Thirona (R&D for CAD, electronic patient files), Delft Imaging Systems (in particular for tele-radiology, mobility, CAD), and Cepheid (Xpert® MTB/RIF, mobile use). New entrants with innovative propositions are also evaluated in the context of future projects.
Information on next meaningful innovations, input from the Stop TB Partnership PSC, experience obtained from other projects in addition to new user needs are – depending on the project – exchanged with innovators. This is done with the objective to:
- further improve the sustainability and yield of TB case detection projects, also in mobile and resource constrained settings
- to collect data and information for research grant applications
- to facilitate access to research funding and project financing - e.g. Dutch Government grant application requiring a detailed feasibility study
- to sound the “voice of the user” and identify future TB program needs
For instance the heat map produced by CAD4TB was included as a standard output for the user, based on feedback provided to the CAD developers by CheckTB! following TB stakeholder consultations in the field. Such user need was also expressed for the development of fully solar powered TB screening units equipped with single phase (220V) digital X-ray systems as well as for the possibility of offline use of CAD in mobile settings or in remote areas with low band width.