Ultra-portable X-ray (UPX) radiation safety aspects

Ultraportable X-ray devices can be safely used for TB screening when using adequate precautions

  • Potential risk from a single ultra-portable X-ray exposure is negligible due to the low Xray radiation dose needed (equivalent to a few days of natural background radiation)
  • Operators and nearby individuals are exposed to scatter and leakage radiation when UPX systems are in operational as illustrated below.

International limit for public is 1 mSv per year

Yearly radiation dose by scattered and leakage radiation in first ongoing studies using phantoms at the radiographer position of 1-2 meters directly behind the X-ray tube is reported at the 2023 UNION Conference to be < 175 X-rays per day at 2.5 mAs < 1 mSv per year based on 260 working days per year assuming all X-rays at 90kV and 2.5 mAs

The 2024 “Assessment of scattered and leakage radiation from ultra-portable digital chest X-ray systems” [2] found that in most cases, the total radiation dose of ultraportable X-ray devices can be kept below 1 mSv/year.

Basic radiation safety rules that can be applied are:

  1. reduce time in the X-ray field
  2. increase distance to the X-ray source, and
  3. use shielding measures (e.g. lead apron)

So the most common measures to reduce UPX radiation are:

  • Wear a lead apron and collar reduces radiation by ~80%
  • Use a long exposure cord or remote control
  • Increase the distance from the X-ray generator; from 1 to 2 meters ~60% less radiation
  • Work in rotating teams and shifts
  • Consider X-ray room design with staff at 90/270 position or in another room
  • Higher mAs and shorter FFD can result in significant difference

Possible measures to reduce UPX radiation

  • Wear a lead apron and collar
  • Use a long exposure cord or remote control
  • Work in rotating teams and shifts
  • Consider X-ray room design with staff at 90/270 position or in another room
  • Higher mAs and shorter FFD can result in significant differences

WHIS-RAD multi-functional X-ray radiation safety aspects

Possible measures to reduce radiation

  • Install latest flat Panel Detectors for ALARA
  • Wear a lead apron and collar
  • Use a shielded X-ray control room that meets international standards for protection against ionising radiation; complies with the local regulations
  • If no (NRA compliant) X-ray room available at the hospital site place a turn-key 20 foot lead shielded X-ray container can be used
  • X-ray can be installed in separate shielded room next to the operator with a shielded door
  • Lead between the walls (interior and exterior) and other rooms of an x-ray room so lead-lining protects patients from radiation exposure from x-rays and gamma rays
  • Lead protection X-ray compartment: min. 1 mm in outside walls, 2 mm in inside walls
  • Lead lined doors in the X-ray room can be made with a layer of lead sandwiched between two sheets of wood as an effective barrier against radiation, while still allowing the door to function like a regular door